Carla's story...
Carla graduated from the University of Sussex with a Biology degree, specialising in Biochemistry. She later trained in Osteopathy and Naturopathy at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine, where she gained a degree and Masters, and is registered with the General Osteopathic Council. Her post-graduate training included Medical Acupuncture and Cranial Osteopathy. Carla is also a Yoga Alliance UK qualified teacher, having completed her training with Stewart Gilchrist in 2014.
Carla has a particular interest in spinal conditions, paediatrics and shoulder problems. Most recently she has specialised in the treatment and rehabilitation of spinal conditions, having worked alongside a spinal surgeon for the past 4 years. She uses a structural, naturopathic, and classical approach giving her patients the optimum treatment to aid in recovery. She has an understanding of how to treat the patient holistically, taking into account influencing factors such as biomechanics, lifestyle, dietary and habitual factors, before deciding on the treatment regime, allowing her to be a very effective and caring Osteopath.